Faculty of Arts continues to attract funding for its research projects. In the latest rounds of Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects grants, four research projects from Faculty of Arts were awarded grants.
Funding Awarded: $372,000.00
Investigators: Prof Marion Maddox (Chief Investigator), Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations
Funding Awarded: $74,000.00
Investigators: Dr Emily O'Gorman (Chief Investigator), Department of Geography and Planning
Funding Awarded: $145,540.00
Funding Awarded: $214,131.00
Some Faculty of Arts researchers were also successful in their grant applications submitted through other universities:
Congratulations to all researchers on their achievements.
Project: Measuring meaning in Egyptian art: A new approach to an intractable problem
- Prof Naguib Kanawati (Chief Investigator), Department of Ancient History
- Dr Linda Evans (Chief Investigator), Department of Ancient History
- Dr Alexandra Woods (Chief Investigator), Department of Ancient History
- Dr Janice Kamrin (Partner Investigator), Assistant Curator, Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funding Awarded: $372,000.00
Project: Charles Strong’s Australian Church (1885-1917) and Australian Secularism
Investigators: Prof Marion Maddox (Chief Investigator), Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations
Funding Awarded: $74,000.00
Project: Remaking Wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin, 1800 to the Present
Investigators: Dr Emily O'Gorman (Chief Investigator), Department of Geography and Planning
Funding Awarded: $145,540.00
Project: Volunteers in Crisis: Analysing Responses to HIV/AIDS in Australia
- Dr Shirleene Robinson (Chief Investigator), Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations
- A/Prof Robert Reynolds (Chief Investigator), Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations
- A/Prof Paul Sendziuk (Chief Investigator) Department of History and Politics, University of Adelaide
Funding Awarded: $214,131.00
Some Faculty of Arts researchers were also successful in their grant applications submitted through other universities:
- Professor Joseph Pugliese
- Dr Shirleene Robinson
- Dr Julian Droogan, Lise Waldek, and Professor Catharine Lumby
- Professor Neil Levy
- Professor Sean Brawley
Congratulations to all researchers on their achievements.