Professor Bill Thompson, Dr Thomas Carlson and Dr Kathy Cologon from the Faculty of Human Sciences have won the prestigious Australian Research Council grant for their research. The grants will help our researchers advance their research and innovation globally and benefit the community.
Violent music: social, psychological and neurological implications
Professor William Thompson; Dr Wayne Warburton; Associate Professor Emery Schubert; Associate Professor Douglas Gentile; Professor Glenn Schellenberg; Associate Professor Stefan Koelsch
This project will examine the forms and prevalence of violent music; its short- and long-term effects on aggression, emotional states and cognitive function; and neurological correlates of engagement with violent music. Music with violent themes is often blamed for antisocial or criminal behaviour, but we have little scientific understanding of the extent to which violent music interacts with social attitudes, emotions, actions and cognitive functions in musicians and fans. The project is expected to develop an empirically driven model of the pathways between violent music, thought and action, and to test hypotheses for how negative consequences of exposure to violent music can be minimised and social and psychological benefits maximised.
Predicting Behaviour from Brain Representations
Dr Thomas Carlson; Dr Samuel Solomon; Dr David McMahon; Dr Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
This project aims to advance our understanding of how perceptual information is represented in the human brain and to link the structure of perceptual brain representations to human behaviour. The project plans to use complementary methods for recording brain activity (human neuroimaging and primate single-cell neurophysiology) and cutting-edge analytic techniques to generate a predictive model of behaviour based on the structure of perceptual brain representations. It is anticipated that the results will significantly advance the field of cognitive neuroscience by providing a novel empirical framework for understanding how brain representations are predictive of behaviour.
Also listed on a grant through QUT:
Supporting behaviour in the early years
Associate Professor Linda Graham; Professor Susan Walker; Dr Sonia White; Dr Katherine Cologon; Associate Professor Pamela Snow: Professor Dr Robert Pianta
By systematically tracking 250 children through the first six years of school, this project aims to identify factors contributing to the development, perpetuation and exacerbation of disruptive school behaviour. Disruptive student behaviour has been identified as one of the most significant issues confronting Australian schools. Yet common educational responses often inflame rather than reduce problem behaviours. The project aims to produce new knowledge about how best to address those factors in the ealry years while student attitudes and behaviour are still relatively malleable.
Violent music: social, psychological and neurological implications
Professor William Thompson; Dr Wayne Warburton; Associate Professor Emery Schubert; Associate Professor Douglas Gentile; Professor Glenn Schellenberg; Associate Professor Stefan Koelsch
This project will examine the forms and prevalence of violent music; its short- and long-term effects on aggression, emotional states and cognitive function; and neurological correlates of engagement with violent music. Music with violent themes is often blamed for antisocial or criminal behaviour, but we have little scientific understanding of the extent to which violent music interacts with social attitudes, emotions, actions and cognitive functions in musicians and fans. The project is expected to develop an empirically driven model of the pathways between violent music, thought and action, and to test hypotheses for how negative consequences of exposure to violent music can be minimised and social and psychological benefits maximised.
Predicting Behaviour from Brain Representations
Dr Thomas Carlson; Dr Samuel Solomon; Dr David McMahon; Dr Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
This project aims to advance our understanding of how perceptual information is represented in the human brain and to link the structure of perceptual brain representations to human behaviour. The project plans to use complementary methods for recording brain activity (human neuroimaging and primate single-cell neurophysiology) and cutting-edge analytic techniques to generate a predictive model of behaviour based on the structure of perceptual brain representations. It is anticipated that the results will significantly advance the field of cognitive neuroscience by providing a novel empirical framework for understanding how brain representations are predictive of behaviour.
Also listed on a grant through QUT:
Supporting behaviour in the early years
Associate Professor Linda Graham; Professor Susan Walker; Dr Sonia White; Dr Katherine Cologon; Associate Professor Pamela Snow: Professor Dr Robert Pianta
By systematically tracking 250 children through the first six years of school, this project aims to identify factors contributing to the development, perpetuation and exacerbation of disruptive school behaviour. Disruptive student behaviour has been identified as one of the most significant issues confronting Australian schools. Yet common educational responses often inflame rather than reduce problem behaviours. The project aims to produce new knowledge about how best to address those factors in the ealry years while student attitudes and behaviour are still relatively malleable.