The 2019 Macquarie University Alumni Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of alumni and provide an opportunity to share their inspirational stories with the University and the wider community. “Our alumni are a source of pride and motivation, and they embody the University’s association with excellence,” says Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) Professor David Wilkinson.
The award categories ensure alumni from all areas of the community are recognised for their local, national, and international achievements.
Nine amazing Macquarie alumni are recognised in the 2019 awards:
- Arts and Culture – Liane Moriaty: “I always remember standing outside Marcelle Freiman’s office and seeing the book covers on her office door. They were books that had been written by her former students and I dreamed of having my own cover on her door one day,” says Liane.
- Education – Dr Marcia Langton: “Education is the most powerful tool for change; for economic empowerment; and for the successful advocacy of intransigent human rights issues, such as the rights of Aboriginal people,” says Marcia.
- Innovation and Enterprise – Elizabeth Gaines: “If your feet always touch the bottom, and you’re not in deep water, you’re probably not going to succeed,” says Elizabeth.
- International Achievement – Bradley Jakeman: “We have the power to shape the kind of society we want to live in,” says Brad.
- Medicine and Health – Dr Dharmica Mistry: “I am proud to carry the Macquarie name and am grateful for the opportunities that I received and continue to receive from Macquarie,” says Dharmica.
- Public and Community Service – Commissioner Greg Mullins AFSM: “All of us should seek to make a difference and leave behind a better, safer world,” says Greg.
- Rising Star (aged 30 years under) – Joshua Ross: “We believe that education is a ticket to opportunity and that every child has the right to reach their potential,” says Josh.
- Science and Technology – Dr Larry Marshall: “You need collaboration to make the magic happen,” says Larry.
- Sport – Tina McKenzie: “I have always wanted to give back, and it was important to me for children to see that people with disabilities can play an active role within their community,” says Tina.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) David Wilkinson says that the awards provide opportunities for the University and the award winners to foster deeper relationships within the Macquarie community:
”Macquarie University is extremely proud of every one of its 196,000 graduates – their achievements and their contributions in our local and global communities,” says Prof Wilkinson.
Full profiles of the winners are available from 22 November 2019, as well as photos of the awards ceremony: