Three Macquarie University academics have received ARC Future Fellowships for research in cognitive science, ancient history and biological sciences, announced today by Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham.
Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the benefits of many of the research projects would ultimately be felt by Australians from all walks of life.
“This latest round of funding for these 120 projects backs our support for Australia’s world-leading research sector.”
The Australian Research Council’s (ARC) National Competitive Grants Program is worth $170.6 million in research funding.
Macquarie researchers received more that $2.3 million for the three Fellowships.
“Given the fierce competition for ARC fellowships, this is a great achievement and Macquarie is very proud that three of our candidates competed successfully in the current round,” said Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Sakkie Pretorius.
The researchers, Dr Alexandra Woolgar, Associate Professor Darrell J. Kemp and Dr Karin Sowada are delighted by the announcement.
“Understanding the human brain has implications for every aspect of life, from how best to educate, inform and influence people, to developing interventions for brain injury or psychological disorders. I hope the outcomes of this fellowship will help us draw this link and step closer to unravelling the mystery of how the brain gives rise to cognition,” said Dr Woolgar from the Department of Cognitive Science.
“This Fellowship will support exciting new research inspired by nature’s most brilliant colour signals, and generate knowledge that may very well inform future technology in telecommunication and signal design,” said Associate Professor Kemp from the Department of Biological Sciences.
“Through my project, I expect to make a major contribution to our understanding of Egypt's role as a driver of economic, political and societal change in the eastern Mediterranean during the Pyramid Age. The research program is underpinned by extensive international collaborations spanning archaeological, scientific and historical analysis,” said Dr Sowada from the Department of Ancient History.
Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the benefits of many of the research projects would ultimately be felt by Australians from all walks of life.
“This latest round of funding for these 120 projects backs our support for Australia’s world-leading research sector.”
The Australian Research Council’s (ARC) National Competitive Grants Program is worth $170.6 million in research funding.
Macquarie researchers received more that $2.3 million for the three Fellowships.
“Given the fierce competition for ARC fellowships, this is a great achievement and Macquarie is very proud that three of our candidates competed successfully in the current round,” said Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Sakkie Pretorius.
The researchers, Dr Alexandra Woolgar, Associate Professor Darrell J. Kemp and Dr Karin Sowada are delighted by the announcement.
“Understanding the human brain has implications for every aspect of life, from how best to educate, inform and influence people, to developing interventions for brain injury or psychological disorders. I hope the outcomes of this fellowship will help us draw this link and step closer to unravelling the mystery of how the brain gives rise to cognition,” said Dr Woolgar from the Department of Cognitive Science.
“This Fellowship will support exciting new research inspired by nature’s most brilliant colour signals, and generate knowledge that may very well inform future technology in telecommunication and signal design,” said Associate Professor Kemp from the Department of Biological Sciences.
“Through my project, I expect to make a major contribution to our understanding of Egypt's role as a driver of economic, political and societal change in the eastern Mediterranean during the Pyramid Age. The research program is underpinned by extensive international collaborations spanning archaeological, scientific and historical analysis,” said Dr Sowada from the Department of Ancient History.