Professor Marshall joins Macquarie from the University of New South Wales where she was Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Engineering, and Director of the Water Research Centre in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Professor Marshall’s expertise lies in hydrologic modelling, environmental model optimisation and quantification of uncertainty in water resources analysis. She has a special interest in understanding how environmental observations can be used to quantify uncertainty in systems undergoing change. Her research has spanned the development of new models in the most heavily instrumented watershed in the United States, to making flood predictions in ungauged catchments across Australia.
Driven by a strong passion for inclusive education in STEMM, Professor Marshall’s main goal is champion the next generation of STEMM leaders to become innovators and problem solvers.
Professor Marshall completed her undergraduate, masters and PhD degrees at UNSW before moving to Montana State University in 2006 as an Assistant Professor of Watershed Analysis. There, she worked at the interface of engineering and environmental science in quantifying uncertainty in hydrologic and environmental systems.
Professor Marshall returned to UNSW as an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow in 2013. In 2018, she was appointed as the first Associate Dean (Equity and Diversity) at UNSW where she pursued a broad portfolio aimed at student and staff equity, diversity and inclusion.
Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor Professor S. Bruce Dowton welcomed the recent appointment.
“I take this opportunity to welcome Professor Marshall to the Macquarie University community. I would also like to thank Distinguished Professor Lesley Hughes and Professor David Coutts for their contributions as interim Executive Deans of the Faculty of Science and Engineering in recent months.”