Science leader Dr Megan Clark awarded honorary doctorate

18 September 2013


One of Australia’s foremost leaders of science and discovery, Dr Megan Clark, was yesterday recognised with a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, from Macquarie University.

With almost five years in the role of Chief Executive of Australia’s national research agency – the CSIRO – Dr Clark has led one of the word’s largest and most diverse research organisations.

Leading 6,600 staff across more than 50 Australian sites, as well as research stations in France and Mexico, her remit is impressive.

“Dr Clark’s career encapsulates many of the traits highly valued at this University,” said Vice Chancellor Professor Bruce Dowton.

“She has a thirst for discovery and knowledge, a passion for partnering with industry to ensure scientific breakthroughs are quickly turned into societal benefit, and a commitment to serving the people of our community.”

In its history, CSIRO has contributed to the development of a diverse array of discoveries bringing to society polymer banknotes, aerogard and essential components of wi-fi technology, to name just a few.

Under Dr Clark’s leadership, CSIRO continues to deliver important scientific advances to the people of Australia and the world beyond.

Despite her impressive professional and corporate career, however, Dr Clark has always been at heart a scientist, motivated, as in her own words by, “a deeper mastery of science”.

Dr Megan Clark’s career of distinction in science, business, industry and indeed as a leader bears witness to her quest, again in her own words – “to make a difference to things that matter to this nation and to humanity”.

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