Macquarie University’s Sustainability team have won the student engagement award at the annual Green Gown Awards Australasia, recognising their innovative ‘Tap-it’ campaign to encourage switching from bottled to tap water.
The Australian Bottled Water Institute estimates that Australians are spending over $500 million on bottled water every year. While a litre of tap water in Sydney costs only a fraction of a cent, residents can pay upwards of $3.88 a litre for bottled water, as Choice Magazine explored in 2013.
“A growing movement to avoid bottled water and choose the humble tap is gaining momentum both in Australia and around the world,” says Belinda Bean. “Macquarie University is part of this movement and is spreading our 'Tap It - It's Fresh and Free' message! Through the campaign Macquarie University staff and students have pledged to save over 9000kg of plastic from landfill by committing to choose Tap and use refillable bottles.”
With a Bottled Water Free Day held on campus in March, staff have also taken up the message throughout the year across the North Ryde campus.
“We saw ingenious initiatives to further promote Tap It, such a Pimp My Water station (Cognitive Science), hosting Nude Drinks at a faculty level (Human Science), giving out 'cookies and a leaflet' promoting Tap It (Marketing and Management), locating and promoting building bubblers (Biology), installing new bubblers (Campus Life), and integrating Tap It into MAS 389 "Public Relations Theory" (MMCCS) as an example of good public relations,” says Belinda.
Guests at the Green Gown Awards, now in their fifth year, included sustainability professionals from tertiary education and leaders from the sector, such as the Australian Greens, Australian Conservation Foundation and the Office for Learning & Teaching (OLT).
"Being awarded as the winner against tough competition was indeed an honour," said Director of Sustainability, Leanne Denby. "It highlights the dedication and commitment of both our staff and students involved in the Tap-it campaign we've been running throughout the year".
More information about the Tap-it campaign.
The Australian Bottled Water Institute estimates that Australians are spending over $500 million on bottled water every year. While a litre of tap water in Sydney costs only a fraction of a cent, residents can pay upwards of $3.88 a litre for bottled water, as Choice Magazine explored in 2013.
“A growing movement to avoid bottled water and choose the humble tap is gaining momentum both in Australia and around the world,” says Belinda Bean. “Macquarie University is part of this movement and is spreading our 'Tap It - It's Fresh and Free' message! Through the campaign Macquarie University staff and students have pledged to save over 9000kg of plastic from landfill by committing to choose Tap and use refillable bottles.”
With a Bottled Water Free Day held on campus in March, staff have also taken up the message throughout the year across the North Ryde campus.
“We saw ingenious initiatives to further promote Tap It, such a Pimp My Water station (Cognitive Science), hosting Nude Drinks at a faculty level (Human Science), giving out 'cookies and a leaflet' promoting Tap It (Marketing and Management), locating and promoting building bubblers (Biology), installing new bubblers (Campus Life), and integrating Tap It into MAS 389 "Public Relations Theory" (MMCCS) as an example of good public relations,” says Belinda.
Guests at the Green Gown Awards, now in their fifth year, included sustainability professionals from tertiary education and leaders from the sector, such as the Australian Greens, Australian Conservation Foundation and the Office for Learning & Teaching (OLT).
"Being awarded as the winner against tough competition was indeed an honour," said Director of Sustainability, Leanne Denby. "It highlights the dedication and commitment of both our staff and students involved in the Tap-it campaign we've been running throughout the year".
More information about the Tap-it campaign.