Time capsule, speed dating and free plants: Open Day 2014 at Macquarie University

18 August 2014


Time travel is on offer at Macquarie University’s 2014 Open Day as staff and students reflect on 50 years of innovative research, learning and teaching, as well as new opportunities for the students of 2015 and beyond.

From 10am to 4pm on Saturday 13 September, the campus will be buzzing with more than 13,000 visitors who are welcomed to pursue their study objectives, or simply explore the facilities and expertise of one of Australia’s premier universities.

Set off across our expanding campus to learn more about our state-of-the-art library, the Australian Hearing Hub, our multi-million dollar media facilities, Art Gallery and Museums, and some of the Asia-Pacific’s best science and engineering labs.

Highlights for Open Day 2014 include:

  • Jubilee Time Capsule – Memorabilia of our 50 year history will go into a time capsule to be unearthed at the Macquarie Centenary, 2064

  • Segway test track – Visit the engineering department to grab your ride

  • Chemistry for kids Presented by the Chemistry team, fun for young and old!

  • Vegesafe – a soil testing initiative for keen community gardeners – bring a sample from home

  • Your name in hieroglyphs - Learn how to write your name in Egyptian hieroglyphs

  • Mini language session - Learn Japanese, Croatian, French, German, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Russian, or Chinese

  • Speed dating with PACE – Meet your mentor by spending two minutes intervals to talk study and career opportunities with PACE students, staff, and unit convenors

  • Tour MUSE – Check out our student space featuring a never-ending desk, a blue room, student connect and many, many beanbags.

  • Tour of media facilities - Come and see Macquarie’s state-of-the-art media and communications facilities – music, dance, drama, media and production studios unmatched by any other university in the country.

  • Free strawberry plant – Take advantage of this giveaway while stocks last! Strawberry plants are easy to maintain and adapt well to Sydney soils

  • Study without stress – A session to discuss how anxiety affects students academically, socially, and within the university setting, and how to manage it

A set of mini-lectures also gives insight into Macquarie’s experts and degrees, with topics such as:

A key component of Macquarie’s unique learning environment is PACE, an initiative which helps our students develop valuable career skills through practical experience in the workplace or community. Our PACE experiences are fully integrated into our curriculum, with Macquarie the only Australian university to offer such a program. Come along to our Speed dating with PACE and talk to our PACE team at Open Day to find out more.

Take a break throughout the day by kicking back alongside Macquarie’s iconic lake, where some of our ever-popular entertainment options will be on offer once more: camel rides, DJs, and freebies.

Before Open Day, it’s a good idea to plan out your day. Log on to the interactive online planner and connect to see which of your friends are attending lectures, to find out more about our teaching staff, and meet people who share common interests and aspirations. Your online planner will give you reminders on the day of where you need to be, and where you can meet up with friends at the same lectures and events.

On the day, Square One in the Central Courtyard is the place to start. You can:

  • Ask Macquarie student advisers about their uni experience

  • Decide what lectures to attend

  • Find the right people to talk to throughout the day

  • Get maps, programs, and brochures

If you can’t make it on the day, check out our presentations online after the event: www.openday.mq.edu.au

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