"I made more than just friends, I made a community." | The Lighthouse

"I made more than just friends, I made a community."

As told to Angie Kelly


Co-workers Talhia Nadine and Naira Bagchi, both 21, crossed paths when the shop they work in was robbed. In the aftermath, they discovered they were both Macquarie students and quickly became Yo-Chi buddies.


There was a snatch-and-grab incident in the shop we both work in at Macquarie Centre. I was at the counter serving a person who stole sunglasses right out of my hands and ran out of the shop.

Thalia and Naira friendship series MQ

Hunger games: Talhia , pictured left, and Naira, pictured right, meet up for pizzas, frozen yoghurt and events around campus where free food is on offer. Image: Jesse Taylor

I was a new casual worker and I hadn’t met Talhia yet. She turned up for her shift just after the robbery happened. Although I did feel composed about the incident, she was very comforting and sympathetic.

That night we got talking about our interests and realized we were at uni together, though we were doing different courses. I am doing a Bachelor of Economics and Thalia is doing a Bachelor of Media and Communications. Our friendship just naturally evolved to having pizza together on campus or getting Yo Chi frozen yogurt together after work at the Centre.

Separately I joined the gym, the soccer team and a lot of societies too. Basically I joined anything that looked interesting. That really helped me make a community rather than just making friends. I always think sport and food is a great way to find people. My advice is to turn up to events whenever there is free food!

While university can be daunting, everyone is in the same situation, and it’s important to muster a bit of courage to take that first step in making connections.

I'm from India and have always wanted to study abroad. Initially I was going to go to the UK to study but in the end, I decided to come to Australia. It was the course that appealed to me. I was excited to come here.

Through working as a Student Belonging and Inclusion Activator under the Student Engagement program at Macquarie, I've also met so many people who are working to make sure students feel safe on campus. As an international student I found that idea of belonging and inclusion so important when I first came here.


I grew up in Port Macquarie so it was very nerve-racking moving to a new place away from home.  I came here because Macquarie had the course I wanted to do – a Bachelor of Media and Communications.

Thalia and Naira friendship series MQ

My first week was daunting, I spent most of it just trying to find my way around. I was staying in student accommodation, but I had no clue where anything was.

I first met people through the social events organised at the accommodation. There were games nights and special food nights where it is pretty much guaranteed that a lot of people gather because there is free food!

I am also doing performing arts units and so I’ve met some of my closest friends through doing those classes together.

But the best thing I ever did in my life was joining the Acappella Society! We meet once a week, and we also do performances. There are three different groups you can join. There’s the girls only competitive group, there’s the boy/girl competitive group and then there’s a social group who sing just for fun rather than competition.

We are a very tight-knit group of girls now and it is just so cool. I love them with all my heart. We all go to concerts together and they all came to my 21st birthday party.


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